in-STEP BLUE. Successful projects with HERMES.
HERMES is the method used by the Swiss Federal Administration for managing and executing projects, especially in the area of information and communication technology (ICT). If you are looking for software that allows you to take advantage of HERMES together as a team, you will find everything you need for your project management in the in-STEP BLUE HERMES Edition:
Central, multi-user capable project data base
- Secure and efficient project work on a LAN and on the Internet
- Time saving thanks to minimal communication and coordination requirements
- System-wide full-text search in documents and source code
Structured templates for all HERMES management products
- Project start without prolonged set-up
- High productivity
- Short project run time
- Guaranteed HERMES compliant documentation
Configuration management
- Secure version management of all documents
- Revision-capable project results
- Traceable project course
- Seamless project history
Structured templates for multiple project results
- Project start without prolonged planning phase
- Higher productivity
- Short project run-time
Product wizard
- Convenient creation of HERMES compliant products
Specialist products presented as directories
- Simple assignment of all accumulated documents to the specialist product they belong to
Project planning wizard
- Simple, HERMES compliant structuring of projects
- Short planning times and minimal effort
- Automatically generated initial project plan
- Automatically generated initial versions of all required management products
Work package planning wizard
- Simple planning of Work packages with assignments to specialist products to be created and the employee responsible for implementation
Quantitative project management
- Straight forward schedule, workload, cost and user productivity planning
- Up-to-date project evaluations at the click of a mouse
Integrated requirements and change management
- Fast and standardized form-based requirements creation
- Traceability, from commission of requirements down to acceptance
- Requirements oriented systems through intensive requirements controlling
- Import wizard for taking on requirements from MS Excel
- Impact analysis
Graphic requirements definition with UML and BPMN
- Simple, graphic modeling of UML and BPMN diagrams according to requirements definition
- Derive requirements directly from graphic requirements models
- Traceability of requirements definition through persistent and navigable relationships between diagram elements and requirements
- Requirements specifications and other documents with up to date models at the push of a button
- Securely versioned requirements models
Integrated issue and risk management
- Simple, unified creation
- Overview of project risks, including their properties and states
- High project security
Multi-Project Management
- Transparent project environment with all a company’s organizational units
- Up to date overview of the project portfolio
- Simple coordination of goals, schedules, resources and costs in parallel running projects
- Simple controlling and reporting thanks to numerous project lists with key indicators, reports and individual evaluations
- Direct access to multi-project resource planning
- Parallel access to several projects
- Simplified organization of individual tasks thanks to cross-project ToDo lists
Integrated time recording
- Real-time workload and cost controls
Traceable project activity, task and result states
- Transparency of project events
- Option for the project manager to operate in real-time
User specific ToDo lists and configurable data and project views
- Fast orientation for all users in running project
- Simple inclusion of new users
Integration with MS Word and MS Excel
- Direct and fast editing of management and specialist products
Process standard
- Project Type System Adaptation 2005, Project Type System Development 2003, HERMES 5 and 5.1
- Easily customizable and adaptable