Software for Requirements Engineering

Good requirements are the basis for successful development. With the right requirements engineering and management solutions objectiF RM and objectiF RPM, you can ensure end-to-end traceability, manage changes, visualize correlations and specify requirements within your agile team.

As a requirement engineer, product owner or system architect, you benefit from real-time data, individually configurable queries, automated reports and audit-proof documentation.

Our tools for professional requirements management are highly customizable and extendable. They incorporate a scalable architecture for deployment on-premise or in the cloud.

Software for Requirements Engineering

Requirements Engineering According to the IREB Method Standard

– High Quality Activities Add long-term Value

Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder analysis is a key determinant for sustainable success. That’s why objectiF RPM and objectiF RM support you with features like goal diagrams, context diagrams, workflows for reviews, instant messaging and video conferencing. Visualizing use cases with needs and wishes of personas opens up new perspectives. Communicate your progress and turn these analysis results transparent to get feedback on an ongoing basis.

Example of a Goaldiagram in objectiF RM and objectiF RPM
System Context Diagram in objectiF RM and objectiF RPM

Demarcation of the System Context

The scope of projects often grows rapidly because no boundaries were defined at the beginning. Prevent scope creep by demarcating the system context. objectiF RM and objectiF RPM provide you with system context diagrams for graphically modeling context boundaries, influencing rules and standards, as well as use case diagrams for modeling use cases with actors and interfaces.

Requirements Gathering

Varying styles of writing often leave room for different interpretations of requirements. Avoid misunderstandings by recording requirements, user stories, test cases, etc. consistently with the help of sentence templates. With objectiF RM and objectiF RPM you can assign attributes to requirements, prioritize and structure them together with version control. The simple import and export of requirements from MS Excel, MS Word, Jira, ReqIF and other formats enables fast exchange across the entire supply chain.

Recording Requirements  in objectiF RM and objectiF RPM
Requirements Diagram in objectiF RM and objectiF RPM

Requirements Modeling

A picture is sometimes worth a thousand words. With objectiF RM and objectiF RPM you can visualize workflows, dependencies, refinements, cardinalities, system correlations and architectures with models from the UML and SysML. Use goal diagrams, requirements diagrams, use case diagrams, activity diagrams, class diagrams, package diagrams and block diagrams for requirements analysis and definition. Of course, all the requirements you work on in diagrams are managed in your backlogs.

Quality Improvement through AI Integration

Integrated AI support checks requirements for comprehensibility, ensuring that they are defined in a way that is understandable for all stakeholders. In addition, AI supports you in identifying and handling similar and redundant requirements as well as in detecting potential contradictions. This leads to efficient processing and consolidation by providing the user with clear proposals for solutions or improvements. Requirements can be directly correlated and assigned as refinements or derivations.

Quality Assessment Pane
Designing the System Architecture with a Block Diagram in objectiF RM and objectiF RPM

System Architecture Design

The architectural design demonstrates how a new system will meet the functional requirements of stakeholders. However, designing the system architecture also means implementing quality requirements. The focus here is on the maintainability of the system. objectiF RM and objectiF RPM use class diagrams, package diagrams and block diagrams to help you structure a component system that can be changed, extended and adapted easily. Refine requirements and architecture at the same time while always providing full traceability.

Requirements Documentation

Requirements specifications or vision statements and product backlogs in agile projects form the basis for collaboration between customers and contractors or between stakeholders and the development team. With objectiF RM and objectiF RPM, you can generate documentation simply by one click. Similar to all artifacts, documents are also under version control. Of course, you can track all modifications using the history, restore revisions, create baselines, and even configure approval workflows using state machines.

Generate Documentation in objectiF RM and objectiF RPM
Testmanagement with objectiF RM and objectiF RPM

Verification and Validation of Requirements

Have the requirements been fulfilled? With objectiF RM and objectiF RPM you can keep track of the entire lifecycle of a requirement. Define test cases or acceptance criteria during the creation of requirements and plan the execution of test sets with full traceability back to source. Define workflows for your individual test management with state machines, and always know the degree of fulfillment of your requirements.

“As a renowned RE tool manufacturer and our partner at the largest RE conference in Europe, the REConf, we have been working cordially together with microTOOL for a long time. We can count on this trustworthy partnership with microTOOL in demanding topics such as digital and agile transformation. We look forward to many more great partnership projects!”

Rupert Wiebel

Rupert Wiebel

Managing Director, HOOD GmbH

How to Implement Your Requirements Engineering Process
in Our Tools?

microTOOL is a Silver Partner and Training Provider of the IREB (International Requirements Engineering Board). Our consultants are Certified Professionals for Requirements Engineering and Certified Agile Requirements Specialists. We are happy to share our experience and help you to implement a sustainable requirements management process.
CPRE Silver Partner<br />
 - Recognized Training Provider 2025 IREB

Check Our Free Whitepapers on Requirements Engineering Topics

Download Whitepaper objectiF RM
Download Whitepaper User Stories - Backlogs - Backlog Grooming
Download Whitepaper Stakeholder compact
Download Whitepaper Use Case Hand Book
Download Whitepaper objectiF RPM - objectiF RM in Comparison

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