Wissen Online

Wir teilen unser Wissen gerne. Deshalb finden Sie hier Definitionen und Zusammenfassungen zu wichtigen Projektmanagement und Requirements Engineering Begriffen.

microTOOL Knowledge Base: What is the TOGAF Standard

What is the TOGAF Standard?

Requirements Engineering

TOGAF provides an architectural technique that aims to break down complex problems into manageable sub-problems.

Knowledge Base: What is fmea

What Is Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)?


Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a systematic, proactive method for evaluating systems, processes, and risks.

Knowledge Base: What are medical products

What Are Medical Products?


What are medical products? What norms must they comply with and how is compliance determined?

Knowledge Base: What is digital transformation

What Is Digital Transformation?

Change Management

Technological change brings with it opportunities and problems. Digital transformation succeeds when change turns needs into new benefits.

Knowledge Base: What is a baseline

What Is a Baseline?

Change Management

Baselines are an important method of software configuration management because they create reference points for your work. How do you establish baselines?

Knowledge Base: What is configuration management

What Is Configuration Management?

Change Management

Configuration Management (CM) means managing work results that belong together, also known as configurations.

Wissen Online: Was ist Traceability

What Is Traceability?

Change Management

Traceability means understanding the relationships between artefacts and the development process. What sorts are there and what is it for?

Knowledge Base: What are patterns in agile planning

What Are Patterns in Agile Project Management?


Patters for agile project management provide solutions to everyday agile situations such as planning new releases or sprints. What does this mean?

Knowledge Base: What is PI planning

What Is PI Planning in SAFe®


PI Planning is an important, regularly recurring event for communication and synchronization of teams when using SAFe®.

Knowledge Base: What is agile testing

What Is Agile Testing?


Agile testing combines developing and testing. Instead of planning the test at the project end, you already test in your iterations. How does this work?

Knowledge Base: What is Kanban

What Is Kanban?


What is kanban in software development? How is a kanban board implemented? How does it measure production?

Knowledge Base: What is a burn up chart

What Is a Burn Up Chart?


The burn up chart is a means of project controlling and shows how much work has been finished in relation to time and how much is still left to do.

Knowledge Base: What is a burndown chart

What Is a Burn Down Chart?


With a burn down chart, you can visualize in sprints the remaining workload of tasks in relation to time. What advantages does the chart offer?

Knowledge Base: What is a minimal viable product - mvp

What Is a MVP – Minimal Viable Product?


A Minimum Viable Product, or MVP, is a minimally functional product for testing new business ideas with low risks/costs.

Knowledge Base What is a User Story

What is a User Story?


A user story is a tool in agile project management to describe functionalities from the user’s perspective. What advantages does it offer?

What is a Product Owner

What Is a Product Owner?


The Product Owner is a partner of stakeholders and part of the Scrum team. He/she is responsible for the Product Backlog and Product Goal.

What Is a Product Goal

What Is a Product Goal?


The Product Goal describes a future state of the product and is shared in the Product Backlog. It must be achievable and measurable.

Knowledge Base: What is backlog grooming

What Is Backlog Grooming?


In backlog grooming the Scrum team meets and discusses the product backlog items to prepare the next sprint planning. How does it work and what advantages does it offer?

Knowledge Base: What are backlogs

What Are Backlogs?


What is a backlog? What sort of backlogs are there? How do you work with them and what advantages do they offer?

What is scrum of scrums

What Is the Scrum of Scrums?


What is Scrum of Scrums? How can Scrum be implemented in large projects with several Scrum teams? And what do you have to consider?

Knowledge Base: How does scrum work

How Does Scrum Work?


What is Scrum? How does a Scrum project work? Who participates in it and why are projects with Scrum meant to be more successful?

What does VUCA mean

What Does VUCA Mean?

Project Management

VUCA refers to circumstances where nothing is predictable and where everything can change from one day to the next. Where does this term come from?

Knowledge Base: What is a scope creep

What Is a Scope Creep?

Project Management

A scope creep is the uncontrolled expansion to the project scope without adjustments to time, cost, and resources. How does it occur and how can you control it?

Knowledge Base: What is a risk matrix

What Is a Risk Matrix?

Project Management

How do you create a risk matrix? Which levels of evaluation are there? Why does the risk matrix help with your project management and risk management?

Knowledge Base: What is RACI

What Is RACI?

Project Management

The RACI matrix shows responsibilities for activities in a project. R is responsible, A is accountable, C consults and I informs.

Knowledge Base: How does PRINCE2 work

How Does PRINCE2 Work?

Project Management

“Projects in controlled environments” – that’s what PRINCE2 is all about. It is a method used for the management of projects. Find a PRINCE2 summary here.

Knowledge Base: What is the earned value

What Is the Earned Value Analysis?

Project Management

The Earned Value Analysis is a project controlling method. You compare plan and actual costs with the earned value and determine your efficiency.

Knowledge Base: What is a cumulative flow diagram

What Is a Cumulative Flow Diagram?

Project Management

What is a cumulative flow diagram? How does it work, how does it help in project management and what kind of problems does it display?

Knowledge Base: What is a precedence diagram

What Is a Precedence Diagram?

Project Management

What are precedence diagrams? Learn how to you create a precedence diagram and see what advantages the precedence diagram method offers.

microTOOL Knowledge online: What is a Gantt chart

What Is a Gantt Chart?

Project Management

With a Gantt chart or a Gantt diagram, activities are presented on a time axis for project planning and controlling. What advantages do the charts offer?

Knowledge Base: What is work breakdown structure

What Is a Work Breakdown Structure?

Project Management

The work breakdown structure (WBS) is a hierarchical structuring of tasks. It creates, amongst other things, a foundation for resource and cost planning.

Knowledge Base: What is the triple constraint

What Is the Triple Constraint?

Project Management

What is the triple constraint? How is it utilized in project management? Find out how to balance time, cost and scope in our knowledge base.

Knowledge Base: Project management workflow

Project Management Workflows

Project Management

How do you use workflows in your project management strategies? How to define your processes to manage your project with a single workflow?

Knowledge Base: What are workflows

What Are Workflows?

Project Management

What is a workflow, what elements does it consist of and which advantages does it offer? What is the difference between business processes and workflows?

Knowledge Base: What is a project management office

What Is a Project Management Office (PMO)?

Project Management

What happens in the Project Management Office (PMO)? Why does it improve Multi-Project Management and how?

What is multi project management

What Is Project Portfolio Management?

Project Management

What is project porfolio management? When do you need it and how does it differ from multi-project management and program management?

What is a block diagram

What Is a Block Diagram?

Requirements Modeling

Learn all about the block diagram and how to use it, as well as tips and tricks for creating block diagrams.

Knowledge Base: What is an analysis pattern

What Is an Analysis Pattern?

Requirements Modeling

Analysis patterns are templates to solve domain problems. They represent models in the form of class diagrams. What does this mean, exactly?

Knowledge Base: What is a class diagram

What Is a Class Diagram?

Requirements Modeling

What is the class diagram? How to create class diagrams and find relationships in a class diagram? And what benefits do class diagrams offer?

Knowledge Base: What is a requirements diagram

What Is a Requirements Diagram?

Requirements Modeling

During the system development, you hardly recognize relationships based on textual requirements only. Start using a Requirement diagram for visualization.

Knowledge Base: What is a state diagram

What Is an Activity Diagram?

Requirements Modeling

Activity diagrams can be used to model applications, processes, workflows and algorithms. Check out the benefits of an activity diagram.

Knowledge Base: What is a state diagram

What Is a State Diagram?

Requirements Modeling

A state diagram is the graphical representation of a state machine, showing a behavioural model consisting of states, state transitions and actions.

Knowledge Base: What is a goal diagram

What Is a Goal Diagram?

Requirements Modeling

Goal Diagrams are the perfect means to map a reduction of goals to logical conjunctions and disjunctions of subgoals. Learn more about goal diagrams here.

Knowledge Base: What is a Misuse Case

What Is a Misuse Case?

Requirements Modeling

A misuse case describes a function that the system must not allow and is performed by a misactor. It helps you find security and quality requirements.

Knowledge base: How USe Case 2.0 Works

How Use Case 2.0 Works

Requirements Modeling

How do you take an agile approach without taking a detour just to find user stories? Ivar Jacobson’s Use Case 2.0 concept is the answer.

Knowledge base: What is a use case diagram

What Is a Use Case Diagram?

Requirements Modeling

Use case diagrams visualize use cases, actors & relationships. They document the functionality of a system.

Knowledge base: What is a application lifecycle management

What Is Application Lifecycle Management?

Requirements Engineering

Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) describes the lifecycle of an application, from the need of a stakeholder to the decommissioning of the solution.

microTOOL Knowledge base: What is ReqIF

What Is ReqIF?

Requirements Engineering

ReqIF stands for “requirements interchange format” and is recommended for exchanging requirements between different requirements engineering tools.

microTOOL Knowledge base: What is a software requirements specification

What Is a Software Requirements Specification?

Requirements Engineering

A software requirements specification is a document that describes requirements for a software product, program or set of programs. What does it contain?

microTOOL Knowledge base: What is the twin peaks model

What Is the Twin Peaks Model?

Requirements Engineering

The Twin Peaks Model tackles the development of the architecture and requirements of a software system. Why is it useful and how does it work?

microTOOL Knowledge base: What are requirement attributes?

What Are Requirement Attributes?

Requirements Engineering

Attributes are properties of requirements into which you can store information. How do you work with attributes?

microTOOL Knowledge base: What is the system context?

What Is the System Context?

Requirements Engineering

The system context is used to elicit requirements. The system context diagram visualizes the system, system boundaries and boundary conditions.

microTOOL Knowledge base: What are personas?

What Are Personas?

Requirements Engineering

Personas are prototypes for groups of users to whom a company does not have easy access. Personas can help with this.

microTOOL Knowledge base: What is a stakeholder analysis

What Is the Kano Model?

Requirements Engineering

The Kano Model describes the connection between customer satisfaction & the realization of customer requirements. Learn more about the Kano Model here.

microTOOL Knowledge base: What is a stakeholder analysis

What Is a Stakeholder Analysis?

Requirements Engineering

Stakeholder analysis determines the stakeholders for whom a project or a development is particularly important. Which procedures are recommended?

What is a stakeholder

What Is a Stakeholder?

Requirements Engineering

What is a stakeholder? Why are stakeholders important for your product development and how do you find out what stakeholders want?

CPRE Online Test

CPRE Questions

Requirements Engineering

The Online Test includes 10 sample questions from the original questionaire issued by the International Requirements Engineering Board (IREB) Syllabus 3.

microTOOL Knowledge base: What is requirements management

What Is Requirements Management?

Requirements Engineering

What is Requirements Management? What does it all involve and how do you go about it?

microTOOL knowledge base: What is a business case

What Is a Business Case?

Business Analysis

A business case evaluates benefits, costs and risks of a new project. It serves as the foundation for the approval or rejection of your project proposal.

microTOOL knowledge base: What is a requirement in business analysis

What Are Requirements in Business Analysis?

Business Analysis

In business analysis, there are areas called “Requirements analysis and design definition” and “Requirements life cycle management”. What are they about?

How does compliance work

How Compliance in Project Management Works


How do you ensure compliance in project management? What measures do you take and how you guarantee compliance of processes in your project?

microTOOL Knowledge base: What is business analysis

What Is Business Analysis?

Business Analysis

Business Analysis is the practice of enabling change by defining needs and recommending solutions that deliver value to stakeholders. How does it work?

microTOOL Knowledge base: What is agile project management

What Is Agile Project Management?


What is agile project management? How does it work? And what are the differences between classic and agile project management?

microTOOL Knowledge base: What is a use cas

What Is a Use Case?

Requirements Modeling

Use cases document the functionality of a system based on models. In a use case the visible behavior of a system is described.

microTOOL Knowledge base: What are the principles of Requirements Engineering

What Are the Principles of Requirements Engineering?

Requirements Engineering

What principles should apply to requirements engineering today? And how do you implement them in practice?

microTOOL Knowledge base: What is a Gantt Chart

What Is Hybrid Project Management?

Project Management

Hybrid project management means to combine the advantages of classic and agile project management. How does hybrid project management work?