Initiative Academia. We Want to Improve Your Teaching.

Cooperations with universities is of utmost importance to us. The focus always lies on practical experiences.

We offer universities in German-speaking countries special conditions for the following products:

objectiF RM
objectiF RPM

At the moment, the following universities use our tools:


  • University of Applied Sciences – Study Program Business Informatics in Berlin
  • Dresden University of Applied Sciences
  • University of Applied Sciences Konstanz – Faculty of Computer Science
  • Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University
  • University of Applied Sciences of the Sächsische Verwaltung Meißen
  • TU BerlinChair of Industrial Information Technology
  • Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz – University of Applied Sciences
  • International Insitutie (IHI) Zittau, a central academic unit of TU Dresden
We strive for a long-lasting cooperation. We build on active exchange of knowledge, e.g. in the form of presentations.

We look forward to meeting you!

Initiative Research. We Promote Innovation.

The Initiative Forschung supports research institutes individually and sustainably. Since its formation the microTOOL GmbH has become a leading provider of tools and services for Requirements Management, Project Management and Software Development. Our tools upport research groups and help to put theory in Project Management and Requirements Engineering into practice.
microTOOL supports your research projects and offers expert knowledge and competence for Requirements Engineering and Project Management.

We offer:

  • favourable conditions for our tools,
  • remote support for technical issues,
  • free hotline support,
  • support at our annual User Conference.

“Since I am convinced that successful software development is based on a well-founded requirements analysis, I like to use the special possibilities of objectiF RPM, especially in this area. In the part-time diploma course in computer science and business informatics (an offer from the company mediaproject Dresden in cooperation with the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences in Zwickau), it is important to show students, based on their practical experience, that requirements for SW systems can be modeled and documented effectively and efficiently during the development process using suitable methods – certainly beyond the possibilities of the usual modeling languages (UML or SysML). In addition to the context diagram as an introduction to the project, I particularly appreciate the goal diagram, with which I can point the students’ attention to the important question “Why actually should this particular requirement be realized and what consequences does this have under certain circumstances?”

Prof. Dr. Anna-Sabine Hauptmann

Prof. Dr. Anna-Sabine Hauptmann

Department of Computer Science, HTW Dresden

“The uncomplicated cooperation with microTOOL always inspires me!”

Prof. Dr. Martin Griebl

Prof. Dr. Martin Griebl

subject area "Methods of Software Development, Head of the EDP schools of the district of Deggendorf

“My cooperation with microTOOL GmbH goes back a long way. For my areas of research and study, current microTOOL products such as in-STEP RED and objectiF RM are of particular interest, mainly because of their integration of project management, requirements management and requirements modeling. My students profit from this cooperation in their daily work, in project work and in preparing term papers and theses.”

Prof. Dr. Margret Stanierowski

Prof. Dr. Margret Stanierowski

Software Engineering, Modeling and Requirements Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Berlin

“I have been using in-STEP BLUE in the Master’s Program “Project Management” for 6 years now, and I am pleased to provide my students with a powerful tool that prepares them for future professional challenges.”

Hartmut Pätzold

Hartmut Pätzold

Lecturer for Information Management, Internationalen Hochschulinstitut Zittau (IHI)

Cooperative Study Program

for students of the Berlin School of Economics and Law

In cooperation with the Berlin School of Economics and Law we offer apprenticeships as part of a three-year Cooperative Study Program in Computer Sciences.

In this study program, theory and practice alternate every three months. You can expect exciting tasks, modern tools and competent support. In the practical phases you will work at microTOOL to develop the next generation of our tools and to find solutions for our clients. Within  three years you will complete your Bachelor’s degree and with it a promising perspective for the future.

Start of Program: October 1st. Please apply early!
Duration: 3 years
Degree: Bachelor of Science
Location: Berlin

A Cooperative Study Program requires  commitment, discipline and the ability to work on one’s own responsibility. But don’t worry – we will not leave you alone!  We will support you during your entire studies. Projects, working independently and taking part in events will provide you with practical experiences necessary in today’s business world. microTOOL is the right place for you if you:

  • are applying at the Berlin School of Economics and Law,
  • have very good A-Levels with a focus on natural sciences,
  • have good or very good command of German and English,
  • have good prior knowledge in Computer Sciences,
  • are a creative and commited team player.

We are looking forward to your application! If you have any questions feel free to contact us at  +49 (0)30/467 086-0.