Get started quickly and easily

You can start right away with the in-STEP BLUE for Automotive Edition. At the beginning of the project, just use the in-STEP BLUE tailoring assistant to make the tailoring easier. In a few minutes, you can determine your project features in the software and with it create the foundation of your concrete project. If new foundational aspects emerge over time, you can tailor dynamically. That way you always have a process available that offers the ideal foundation for your project management and your system development. Increase the quality of your development results sustainably, work traceably right from the beginning and reach your goals efficiently.
Planning and controlling

Maturity models place a great importance on the unique description of processes and expected results. With in-STEP BLUE SPICE for Automotive Edition, you are in the position to use the supplied processes, to adapt them or to leave your own. With in-STEP BLUE you support all project participants in that they can use templates, views of their own work and access the whole product library. Generate your appointment plan with the project planning assistant and let it automatically keep writing during the project, just like your requirements, change requests or tests. The in-STEP BLUE SPICE for Automotive Edition is software for teams, so that all employees work with the same environment and always with the same information.
Transparent and secure

For software and system creation, SPICE for Automotive puts a huge focus on the products to be created and their quality. And in-STEP BLUE offers as a software product planning assistant and a QS planning assistant. That way you can better calculate and and control development or the operation of a system. And the standard description and definition of the conceptualities increases the understanding of the project participants. More transparency, less loss of friction in project management, an integrated, automatic versioning of products and files, and better communication with the contractor or the clients and within the project team is the result – those are the advantages of in-STEP BLUE SPICE for Automotive Edition.
Successfully reach your goal

in-STEP BLUE Scrum Edition offers everything that you need to work successfully in Scrum projects. But: maybe you want to change the input screen for stories? Or maybe you need more filtered views? Or maybe you want to combine your own corporate processes with Scrum? Or do you prefer to work classically in other areas but only agilely in development? There are lots of individual situations, lots of possibilities, why Scrum might not be implemented exactly according to the textbook in your business. It’s ideal to have software with a special strength: adaptability. Combine process models, define your own templates and forms, determine your own workflows and email notifications – in-STEP BLUE is the perfect software.
Read for yourself why so many users trust us
Get an impression of what users say about using in-STEP BLUE here.
in-STEP BLUE SPICE for Automotive Edition offers the following features – and more:
Central, multi-user capable project data base
- Secure and efficient project work on a LAN and the Internet
- Time saving thanks to minimal communication and coordination requirements
- System-wide full-text search in documents and source code
Structured templates for all products required by SPICE
- SPICE compliant documentation guaranteed
- Project start without prolonged set-up
- High productivity and short project run-times
Configuration management
- Secure version management of all documents and a seamless project history
- Efficient assessments thanks to revision capable project results and a traceable project run
Tailoring Wizard
- Easy and fast tailoring of the development process to a project
Project Planning Wizard
- Simple structuring of projects based on tailored, SPICE compliant processes
- Short planning phase and minimal effort
- Automatically generated initial project plan
- Improved project overview thanks to inclusion of activities with the status not yet planned
Project Control
- Flexible milestone control
- Overlapping project phases where required, with the help of a stable draft status for documents
Product Wizard
- Easy creation of SPICE compliant products
Quantitative Project Management
- Simple schedule, workload, cost and user capacity planning
- Daily project evaluations at the click of a mouse
Integrated requirements and change management including graphic tools for UML modeling
- Possibility to graphically design requirements models
- Fast and standard creation of requirements with formulas
- Complete traceability of requirements for test cases and system architecture test cases
Multi-project management
- Simple controlling thanks to numerous project lists with key indicators, reports and individual evaluations
- Transparent project environment of all the company’s organizational units
- Up-to-date overview of project portfolios
- Multi-project management evaluations based on project-specific metrics for a better overview of the project
- Simpler project control with project-management dashboard functions, for aggregated information from the processes
- Cross-project support for organization-wide, process-based project work
- Simple goal, schedule, resource and cost coordination in parallel running projects
- Standard templates for project proposals, re-use plans, process improvement suggestions etc.
Tool supported review and acceptance cycle
- Planned, transparent quality assurance runs
- High quality results
Integrated risk management
- Call up project risk overview at any time, including the risk properties and states
- High project security
Integrated time-recording
- Complete control over workloads and costs
User-specific ToDo lists and configurable views of project data
- Fast orientation for all users in a running project
- Simple inclusion of new users
Integration with MS Word and MS Excel
- Direct and fast editing of SPICE compliant documents, reports, status reports and much, much more
- Easily customizable and extensible