What is the TOGAF Standard?

TOGAF Standard

What is the TOGAF framework? What features characterize its structure and functionality?

TOGAF Standard

Implementation and Migration: transition from the current to the desired architecture


Business Layer: definition and management of strategic business objectives


Application Layer: management of applications that support the business objectives


Technology Layer: building and operating the infrastructure and technological resources

Development of The TOGAF Standard

TOGAF stands for The Open Group Architecture Framework and was developed by the Open Group’s Team Architecture Forum.
The first official version of the TOGAF standard, version 1.0, was published in 1995 and has been continuously updated ever since. It is a widely used framework for the development and management of enterprise architectures, including a detailed methodology and various supporting tools. The Fundamental Concepts module contains the basic documentation for the introduction and core concepts: the Architecture Development Method (ADM) and its techniques, the application of the ADM, the Architecture Content, and the Enterprise Architecture Capability and Governance. The Extended Guidance module covers specific topics such as building an enterprise architecture team, security architecture, business architecture, data and information architecture, agile methods and reference models and methods.

TOGAF provides an architectural technique that is designed to break down complex problems into manageable sub-problems.

Key Elements of The TOGAF Fundamental Content

Architecture Abstraction

The TOGAF framework defines four levels of abstraction:

Why – Contextual

Why is the architecture necessary?

What – Conceptual

Which functions and requirements must be met within the architecture?

How – Logical

How should we structure the functionality?

With What – Physical

What resources should we use to implement the structure?

Architecture Capability

TOGAF supports the development of an organization’s architectural capability that enables an effective internal architecture. To this end, the framework provides usable structures for organizational and operational structure, roles and governance bodies. Once this capability is established, it supports strategic, portfolio, project and operational tasks.

Architecture Content Framework

The Architecture Content Framework is used to structure the artifacts, results and building blocks that are developed as part of ADM.
The metamodel ensures that the architecture products are systematically structured and consistent in relation to each other.


  • Deliverables: These include contractually agreed and formally reviewed results of the architecture work (e.g. the Architecture Vision, Architecture Requirements Specification, Architecture Definition Document), consisting of artifacts.
  • Artifacts: These are used to describe architectures and their building blocks with the help of lists (e.g. function catalog), matrices (e.g. stakeholder map matrix) and diagrams (business capability map).
  • Building Blocks: These are potentially reusable and combinable components of an architecture (e.g. word processing) and solutions (e.g. MS Word).

Architecture Development Method (ADM)

The essence of TOGAF is a repeatable iterative model that makes it possible to move from the existing current architecture (current or baseline architecture) via a coordinated target architecture to potentially beneficial plan architectures (transition architectures).

The 9-phase method offers proven concepts for project planning, implementation and change management, in addition to recording the current status, defining objectives and deriving plans.

TOGAF Architecture Standard

Architecture Principles

TOGAF defines principles as long-term general rules and guidelines to help an organization achieve its mission. The framework distinguishes between Enterprise Principles, which serve as guidelines for decision-making, and Architecture Principles, which serve as guidelines for architecture work.

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Architecture Repository

The Architecture Repository, as a place to store the (interim) results of architecture work, is a sub-component of the Enterprise Repository. It includes central elements such as the Architecture Metamodel (with Architecture Method and Enterprise Metamodel), Architecture Capability (with Skills Repository, Organization Structure, Architecture Charter), and Architecture Landscape (with Strategic, Segment and Capability Architectures). Also included are theStandards Library (with Business, Data, Application and Technology Standards) and Reference Library (with Organization Reference Materials), the Governance Repository (with Decision Log, Calendar, Compliance Assessments, Project Portfolio, Capability Assessments and Performance Measurement), as well as the Architecture Requirements Repository (with Strategic, Segments and Capability Requirements) and Solution Landscape (with Solution Building Blocks).

Enterprise Agility

TOGAF incorporates agility into architecture work by providing two concepts:

  • The upcoming architecture work can be divided into several initiatives by using partitions.
  • The use of abstraction levels supports the development of architectures at different levels of detail.
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Enterprise Architecture Services

TOGAF defines a service delivery model through the activities of ADM. The EAM services included are designed to meet specific stakeholder requirements in relation to the enterprise architecture. These services cover a broad spectrum, from Enterprise Support Services to Architecture Planning Services. Each service is based on the execution of specific ADM activities.

Enterprise Continuum

The Enterprise Continuum is a model that can be used to classify both internally developed (e.g. models, patterns, viewpoints) and externally available architecture and solution artifacts (e.g. industry-specific reference architectures).
It describes the process of how architectures can be further developed from generic basic architectures to organization-specific architectures. To this end, the model distinguishes between the Architecture Continuum and the Solutions Continuum. A central idea is the reuse of generic architectures as a starting point and their gradual adaptation to the specific requirements of the organization.

Enterprise Metamodel

The Enterprise Metamodel is used to precisely define the relevant architecture entities in your EA results. By using a standardized terminology, the model ensures consistency, completeness and traceability in the architecture work.


TOGAF considers the exchange of information and services between organizations to be essential and addresses interoperability at both a functional and technical level in almost all phases of the Architecture Development Method.

At the heart of TOGAF is the Architecture Development Method (ADM), a 9-phase model for architecture planning and development.

The TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM)

The TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM) is the core process within the TOGAF framework that enables the structured development and management of enterprise architectures. The 9-phase method represents a tried and tested concept for project planning. It should be particularly emphasized that the ADM is regarded as a customizable reference model and not as a strict waterfall model.

TOGAF - Preliminary Phase


  • Identification and establishment of the required architecture capabilities of the organization
  • Defining the requirements and framework for the architectural work, including determining the scope, structure, tools and architectural framework
TOGAF - Architecture Vision

Phase A: Architecture Vision

  • Conversion of a building application into an architectural work description
  • Ensure that the organization makes the necessary architectural changes, including identifying stakeholders, business objectives and assessing business capabilities for transformation
TOGAF - Business Architecture

Phase B: Business Architecture

  • Foundation of the TOGAF standard, describes the structure and organization of a company at a strategic level
  • Contains business processes, organizational structures, corporate strategies and goals as well as external areas of the company
TOGAF - Information Systems Architecture

Phase C: Information Systems Architecture

subdivided into:

  • Application architecture, which describes the structure and design of applications, their functions and interfaces and effective integration
  • Data architecture, which focuses on the structure, management and use of data objects within the company
TOGAF - Technology Architecture

Phase D: Technology Architecture

  • Infrastructure and technological resources to support applications and data
  • Includes hardware, networks, operating systems, middleware and standards for the selection and implementation of technologies to fulfill the requirements of phases B and C
TOGAF Opportunities and Solutions

Phase E: Opportunities and Solutions

  • Creation of the first complete version of the architecture roadmap based on the analyses and recommendations from development phases B, C and D
  • Work packages are listed in a timeline, including interim and transitional architectures for major changes and the allocation of resources for investment programs and projects
TOGAF Migration Planning

Phase F: Migration Planing

  • Completion of the detailed implementation and migration plan as well as the final architecture roadmap
  • Ensures full stakeholder understanding of business value, cost of work packages and future architecture
TOGAF Implementation Governance

Phase G: Implementation Governance

  • Ensuring that the implementation project and other ongoing projects comply with the defined architecture
  • Confirming the scope and priority of deployment, guiding development and solution delivery, and conducting compliance reviews
TOGAF Achitecture Change Management

Phase H: Architecture Change Management

  • Managing changes to the architecture in a coherent and architectural way through the change management process
  • Continuous monitoring of governance requirements, new technologies and changes in the business environment to ensure the flexibility and adaptability of the implemented enterprise architecture

The TOGAF standard addresses interoperability at a functional and technical level in almost all phases of the architecture development method.

Flexibility and Iteration in The Architecture Development Cycle

Within the ADM, individual or several phases can be iteratively repeated or skipped. It is also possible to jump between phases. The company decides to what extent and level of detail, over what period of time and with what results a phase is run through. Several architecture projects can also implement the ADM for the organization in parallel.

Why Is The TOGAF Standard Beneficial for Requirements Engineering?

TOGAF offers requirements management a holistic, structured approach to effectively capture, analyze and manage requirements. Not only technical requirements are taken into account, but also business requirements and strategic objectives. This allows requirements to be viewed from different perspectives and ensures that all relevant aspects of an organization are taken into account.

TOGAF also contains a variety of standardized methods and techniques for requirements engineering, such as stakeholder analysis, requirements analysis, requirements modeling and risk management.

Benefits of The TOGAF Standard

  • Optimized use of resources by reusing existing processes and infrastructures
  • Risk minimization through structured methodology in decision-making and architecture management
  • Controlled change process through structured processes for the development and management of enterprise architecture
  • Clear corporate vision and strategy
  • Improved cooperation and communication
  • Uniform understanding through modeling

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