Berliners have been enjoying the benefits of an additional public holiday today for five years now. But why do we celebrate International Women's Day on March 8 and why is it one of Berlin's chosen public holidays? International Women's Day was first introduced in the...
We Celebrate the Year 2024 and the 40th Anniversary of microTOOL!
microTOOL is celebrating its 40th anniversary! Let’s have a look at our history and get excited about the new features and developments that we have in stock.
Winter in Berlin: Magical Christmas Season Moments
This year we explore Berlin together during Advent in our blog post and we wish you and your loved ones a wonderful Christmas season!
Improved time recording in objectiF RPM
We present our extended, tool-integrated time recording in objectiF RPM. Legally compliant and applicable for all working time models.
microTOOL and Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Objectives and Overview
How can Artificial Intelligence (AI) enrich requirements engineering solutions and how does microTOOL implement these functions technically? Read part 1 of our new blog series.
Introducing Software? It’s Best Done Lean
Agile methods and lean management are not only suitable for product development. Have you ever introduced software iteratively?