This blog post highlights the critical role of Enterprise Architecture in digital transformation, emphasizes the benefits of an integrated approach with objectiF RPM, and explains how companies can achieve flexibility, transparency, and efficiency through a robust EA framework to remain competitive in a dynamic market.
Standards-Compliant Product Development with objectiF RPM
Find out how you can adopt your standard-related requirements across several projects here.
April Showers Bring May Flowers
In May, we present our new version 9.0 with a new web client design and announce our partnership with SVA.
Improved time recording in objectiF RPM
We present our extended, tool-integrated time recording in objectiF RPM. Legally compliant and applicable for all working time models.
Agile Quality Management – Is There Such a Thing?
Agile quality management ensures customer satisfaction. But how do you implement agile principles in quality management? Ursula Meseberg shows how to use objectiF RPM for FMEA.
Getting to the Point Quicker – With the objectiF RPM Voice Assistant
Learn about use cases for the application of artificial intelligence in microTOOL’s solutions. Today: the digital voice assistant in objectiF RPM.
Remote Management – How Can it Work?
Remote collaboration is the new normal today. How can you manage teams remotely? This blog post offers practical advice.
R for Requirements, P for Project Management
objectiF RM is for requirements engineering. objectiF RPM = objectiF RM plus project management and controlling. A comparison of both products.